Key Contacts
Headquarters, Washington, DC
799 9th Street, NW, Suite 1000
Washington, DC 20001 USA
Anthony Lea
U.S. Mobile: +1 646-431-4315
Mobile: +44 (7940) 790 045
E-mail: an*********@co************.org
Esther Done
Administration Manager
Phone: + 1 212-251-7253
E-mail: es*********@co************.org
Emile Zen
Director of Administration & Finance
Phone: + 1 212-251-7214
E-mail: em*******@co************.us
Steven L. Kukoda
Vice President
Home office: +1 908-429-3010
Phone: +1 212-251-7248
Mobile: +1 732-735-9334
Email: st***********@co************.org
Laurent Chokouale Datou
Vice President, Public Affairs
c/o European Copper Institute
Avenue de Tervueren 168 box 10
1150 Brussels, BELGIUM
Phone: +32 496 55 28 63
Email: la********************@co************.org
Géraud Servin
Vice President, Strategy
c/o European Copper Institute
Avenue de Tervueren 168 box 10
1150 Brussels, BELGIUM
Phone: +32 2 777 70 87
Mobile: +32 486 830 848
Email: ge***********@co************.org
Nicole Witoslawski
Director, Industry Reputation Building
Phone: +1 215-256-4734
Mobile: +1 646-350-9968
E-mail: ni****************@co************.org
Colin Bennett
Market Intelligence Director
Phone: +44 (1442) 275 705
Mobile: +44 7833 695 707
E-mail: co***********@co************.uk
Louise Assem, Ph.D.
Director, Health, Environment and Sustainable Development
Mobile: +1 202-823-8475
E-mail: lo**********@co************.org
Chelsea Ritchie
Head of Digital Advocacy , Public Affairs
Phone: +1 646-709-3190
Mobile: +1 909-908-3800
E-mail: mailto:ch*************@co************.org” data-original-string=”8y8YGF3HpEpyLfaDigNhXA==d98Vad0Xp9odyuNfcfLXcr4GraW1LNH++7+0zDmFEkB7ZMj6PZ6nCEz4/OjwjeAUuLFQ/2fs6rSKsbrKJD0NoIA8g==” title=”This contact has been encoded by Anti-Spam by CleanTalk. Click to decode. To finish the decoding make sure that JavaScript is enabled in your browser.
Regional Centers
Richard Xu
ICA Regional Director
Room 2814-2824, 28F, Central Plaza
381 Huaihai Zhong Road, Shanghai 200020
People’s Republic of China
Phone: +86 (21) 6391-5816
Email: ri********@co************.asia
Europe & Africa
Bernard Respaut
ICA Regional Director
Avenue de Tervueren 168, b 10
1150 Brussels
Phone: +32 (2) 777-7080
Email: in**@co************.eu’s-who
North America
Thomas Passek
ICA Regional Director
7918 Jones Branch Drive #300
Mclean, VA 22102 USA
Phone: +1 (212) 251-7200
Email: Th***********@co************.us